Middle School Registration Form


What school will the athlete be attending in the fall?

What grade will the athlete be in this fall?

Does the athlete have asthma?

Can the athlete swim?

Shirt Size

Emergency Contact if parent cannot be reached

LBRA is an organization that relies on volunteer help from all its families. There are many ways in which you may contribute to the team. Please check all the ways you would like to help.

Annual Registration/Equipment Fee (*required, LBRA T-Shirt included)


I would like to be billed

* There is a 2.9% + .30 processing fee added for the inital registration payment. Future monthly payments will by by HSA/Bank Account to be sent via separate invoice (credit card payments will only be available by request for additional payments). For any questions or if you do not receive required registration forms to sign, please contact membership@lakebrantleyrowing.org.